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Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Turanga Festival
Thursday, 19 November 2020
Friday, 13 November 2020
Guy fawkes writing
Guy Fawkes Day
England and New Zealand, similar in size not in people. England, the creator of some holidays, New Zealand, A peaceful country with wildlife everywhere. Both celebrate in different ways but what about Guy Fawkes?
Guy fawkes in England is taken seriously. In New Zealand, different cultures equals different ways to celebrate. In NZ, Celebrations are in family groups rather than humongous town or city groups. As peaceful as a cloud floating along in the sky. Yeah, pretty peaceful if you ask me.
England celebrate by having huge bonfires and set fireworks of it and use glow swords, glow sticks and glow necklaces. They all help you see each other in the dark as color as well as smoke fills the night sky as time fades away.
Very different ways to celebrate from 2 very similar countries. Guy Fawkes is one of my favorite holidays because you can connect with people you don’t know as you watch fireworks burst in to the sky like a rocket.
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
A thank you letter
Jerrod S
Campion college
Campion road
Dear Jerrod
I am writing to thank you for all your help at camp, we all deeply appreciate what you have done to help us. We thank you for all your hospitality and friendliness towards us with helping and being our guide.
We know It could not have been easy with half of us messing around all the time and misbehaving around you. All you have done has given us a great experience at camp and to appreciate what we have today. My favorite part of the trip was nerf war, thank you for making that experience so fun. You have been a fun guide and a friend to all of us so we thank you for being great.
Yours sincerely
St Marys
Aedan - Campion road
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Friday, 16 October 2020
Service challenge
Thursday, 15 October 2020
How do mood rings work?
![]() |
- blue: calm or relaxed
- green: neutral
- yellow: tense or excited
- brown: nervous or anxious
As you can see the are very complex but people are hesitating to believe that they work. Even if they didn't work there still very fashionable with there changing colors and shiny edges.
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
CST challenge
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Rapping with my lord
Monday, 21 September 2020
Monday, 14 September 2020
Speech... Hmmm, I wonder what its about?
Do video games affect the way we live?
So everyone knows that video games can be fun but do some effect our life? Well today your gonna find out so listen closely. Personally video games are one of the most fun things we use in our everyday lives but it doesn’t mean there good for our health, or our life.
First of all, video games mess with our learning especially when using chromebooks to help learn. There are so many games on line in fact there are 1.2 billion games in the world and more than 2 billion people are addicted to games. Doing stuff we didn’t mean to is another major thing that affects our life. Like rage quitting, bad things in the chat box and shouting out loud when we get excited or angry. Like my parents like me in my room playing video games because I get excited to easily on my server.
Continuing from that, since we like video games so much they waste time with family since we always have our noses in electronics. Like my Dad has a star trek game and he is on it virtually on it 24/7. Also some games make kids violent in ways. Here are some games. Fortnight, wrestling and some roblox games. Like fortnight is a gun game were the name of the game is to kill other players. Minecraft is a kinda violent game but that is only if you choose to kill other people.
Finally, Video games change the brain. This happened to me once. I used to play minecraft a lot, I used to have daydreams about it. Then one day I decided to stop. I asked my parents to put a timer on my nintendo switch for 1 hour on weekdays, 1 hour and a half on weekends and have 30 mins of youtube a day. I have seen the difference, and felt it.
In conclusion, I have explained how video games affect our life in 5 different ways. I love having the timer, I feel like my life has changed entirely. Now maybe go and get some less time on video games and more time outdoors and with family. Unlock who you really are.
Rhetorical question, Emotive language and Facts and opinion.
WALHT: use persuasive techniques (FEARRR) to enhance our writing
Success Criteria: | Self Assessment😀😀😀😀 |
I have used my first technique to enhance my writing | 😀😀😀 |
I have used my second technique to enhance my writing | 😀😀😀 |
I have used my third technique to enhance my writing | 😀😀😀😀 |
Use at least three different (FEARRR) persuasive techniques in your writing. | 😀😀😀😀 |
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Megalodon Report writing
The Megalodon is a prehistoric shark that lived 2.6 million years ago and was the most feared predator that ever ruled the earth. It was 60-100 feet long and was a relative of the mako shark. The megalodon is over 60 tons in weight, that is the weight of 10 elephants or 3 great white sharks.
The Megalodon had 276 teeth that sat in 5 rows and had a bite force of 10.8 metric tons. The closest to it was the T-rex that had a bite force of 3.2 metric tons. Talk about power! It’s teeth were 7 inches/17 cm long and are the only remains of the Megalodon because it had cartilage bones. Cartilage is what your ear is made of and decomposes over time and does not fossilise.
Megalodon teeth have been found all over the world apart from Asia or Antarctica. Judging by where Megalodon teeth have been found, scientists believe that the Megalodon liked living in warmer waters.
The Megalodon would eat 2,500 pounds of food a day when us humans eat 1,996 pounds of food a year. They also eat a turtle like we eat a pretzel. The Megalodon swam 5 meters per second and were around for 23-3.6 million years until they went extinct. The Megalodon could open its mouth 6.5 meters so it could eat large prey. Megalodon means big tooth. I think that were all glad this humongous predator is extinct because if it was alive we wouldn’t stand a chance.
Written by Aedan Lockwood
Monday, 24 August 2020
Eyes of an animal
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Photo Collage Of The Rethink Center
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Wetapunga, Our native insect.😎😎😎
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Emoji math
Friday, 24 July 2020
Faith Challenge
Today I was making a faith poster.
I enjoyed finding pictures to go on my poster.
What I found hard was getting info about it.
I like some of my scripture because they teach a lesson in there own way.
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Evaluation of pet power
Cyclone Bola
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Matariki breakfast

"Mmmmmm... savoury." I mumbled with a mouthful of food. There was tens and thousands of different types of food. Emma brought some pancakes, James brought some sausages, Arabella brought some fruit kebabs and Hinegawai brought some donuts! There was also some waffles, oranges, apples, bacon, mini pizza bread and cupcakes. You name it, it was there. It wasn't like heaven, it was heaven. We all had a total blast with music in the background. It was like an all you can eat buffet with live music. As a bonus we could let the adults have a go at our matariki quiz which was amazing. I most enjoyed tasting the different types off food that was there.
Te Reo Translations
This week we have been getting maori word and finding the meaning to put it in a sentence. I found hard was finding definitions that I liked. I enjoyed finding the pictures that fitted in well.
Monday, 29 June 2020
Inference puzzle
Today we had to make an Inference Puzzle on the story we read ant army. I found easy was finding the sentences from the story. I found hard was Finding the meanings of the sentences.
Thursday, 18 June 2020
A New Tool For Trampers
Today I was making a new tool that will help trampers to survive in the bush. I made a grapple hook axe because you need wood for houses and fires. What I found hard was getting the axe heads So I cropped a n axe picture for the heads. I enjoyed labeling it because you could make it up.
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
The meaning of transubstantiation
Friday, 12 June 2020
Holy Trinity
Today I was making the symbol of the holy trinity with a shape. So you had to get a shape and turn it into the holy trinity. I enjoyed making the right length of the arrows because you had to put them in the right angle and height. What I found hard was getting the " Is not"s in the right angle.
Friday, 5 June 2020
Matariki Quiz
Today I had to make a quiz about Matariki with what we had learnt by reading a text and watching two videos about matariki. We had to link and put questions and answers in the right box with the right link to the right page. I liked linking te boxes because It was a new thing for me and it was fun. I found difficult was puting the answers in because you had to try and spell it corectly.
Thursday, 4 June 2020
NZ Music Month
Today I was making a poster for NZ music month. What I found hard was finding the right instruments and fitting the right angle for them. Next time I would change the different instruments sises because I think some are to small and some are to big.
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
Jesus ascending To heaven
Today I had to make Jesus ascending to heaven on google drawings. What I found hard was that the disciples were harder to make as I thought because they were made out of thirteen pieces or so. What I would change next time is the position of there eyes because some of them are a bit out of line.
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Character Information
Today I had to make a character map of somebody from our class book called Cuz. You had to choose a character from the story and fill in the information about them. I liked filling in the part of how he looks like because you had to look at the book cover propoly. I didn't specifically like filling in the green box because it was hard to think of all the things they do.
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Caring for God's creation
Monday, 11 May 2020
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Stop the Spread
Today I had to make a video about how the virus is doing against the world. You had to put a percentage of how many people you thought were following the rules and a news report about it.
Friday, 1 May 2020
Thursday, 30 April 2020
Super power
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Lighting up the sky with raspberry pi
Friday, 24 April 2020
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Anzac baking
Today I was going to make some Anzac biscuits but we didn't have any oats so we made a poppy puff pastry with berries as the middle. Me and my mum dyed the stem green and put cream on the pastry before I put the berries on. My favorite part was licking the spoon, I mean everybody loves licking the spoon. Next time I would change how much berries we put on it.
Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Stack me up
Monday, 20 April 2020
World War 1 trench made out of lego
Friday, 17 April 2020
Thursday, 16 April 2020
Brain break
Today I had to make a video and hide for ten seconds and then reveal myself. You had to get creative and not just hide behind a blanket or some pillows. Try to spot me before I appear after 14 seconds!
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
How Greece celebrate easter compared to New Zealand
Every country celebrates easter in different ways but today we are going to be talking about Greece and New Zealand and how they celebrate easter.Greece celebrate easter by throwing giant clay pots out windows to celebrate death being overcome. Easter is the most important religious holiday in Greek Orthodox calendar, a bigger event than Christmas.New Zealand celebrates Aranga Te by having easter egg hunts, eat hot cross buns and praying to God. Easter in New Zealand is known for having the Easter Bunny live nearby. New Zealand mostly spend Easter weekend bonding with takatāpui and whānau and watching easter movies.
The ant and the Grasshopper
Friday, 13 March 2020
Term 1 Goals
Friday, 6 March 2020
Room two's favorite video games
Thursday, 5 March 2020
Facts of Te Tiriti O Te Waitangi
Facts of Te Tiriti O Te Waitangi
1.the New Zealand wars went on for 27 years.
2.Te Tiriti was broken in many different ways.
3.Engalend wanted the Maori for their army.
4.England took millions of Maoris land for visitors around the world.
5.Over 500 chiefs signed Ti Tiriti in 7 months. 1769 captain cook came to New Zealand.
7.In 1790 Pokeha came to hunt seals and whales.
8.In 1975 Maori and the british put the past behind them.
9.For over 500 years Maori had New Zealand to themselves.
10.British wanted to live in New Zealand to start a new life.
Waste Free Wednesday
GO WASTE FREE WEDNESDAY! You can do this to no matter what school your in. All you have to do is have no non recycleibible object in your packed lunch box and you will be rewarded with a clean environment. LET'S DO IT!
This week is Sea Week at school and we were doing slides about an animal that we chose. I chose a whale because I think whales are cool. I enjoyed it because we got to be creative and do whatever we wanted on it. Next time I would change the font, add more detail and be more descriptive over all.
Wednesday, 4 March 2020
Kawa Of Care
This is my Kawa of care. Our class came up with the rules and you had to make your one. My pictures are based on the rules. It shows what you should do and what you shouldn't do with your chromebook. Now go and be sensible!