Friday 13 November 2020

Guy fawkes writing

 Guy Fawkes Day

England and New Zealand, similar in size not in people. England, the creator of some holidays, New Zealand, A peaceful country with wildlife everywhere. Both celebrate in different ways but what about Guy Fawkes?

Guy fawkes in England is taken seriously. In New Zealand, different cultures equals different ways to celebrate. In NZ, Celebrations are in family groups rather than humongous town or city groups. As peaceful as a cloud floating along in the sky. Yeah, pretty peaceful if you ask me.

England celebrate by having huge bonfires and set fireworks of it and use glow swords, glow sticks and glow necklaces. They all help you see each other in the dark as color as well as smoke fills the night sky as time fades away.

Very different ways to celebrate from 2 very similar countries. Guy Fawkes is one of my favorite holidays because you can connect with people you don’t know as you watch fireworks burst in to the sky like a rocket.

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