Wednesday 15 April 2020

How Greece celebrate easter compared to New Zealand

Every country celebrates easter in different ways but today we are going to be talking about Greece and New Zealand and how they celebrate easter.Greece celebrate easter by throwing giant clay pots out windows to celebrate death being overcome. Easter is the most important religious holiday in Greek Orthodox calendar, a bigger event than Christmas.New Zealand celebrates Aranga Te by having easter egg hunts, eat hot cross buns and praying to God. Easter in New Zealand is known for having the Easter Bunny live nearby. New Zealand mostly spend Easter weekend bonding with takatāpui and whānau and watching easter movies.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adedan, what a fabulous explanation of Easter in Greece and New Zealand. You taught me something new today, thanks! What did you do for Easter this year? It has been quite different to other years this year. Ka pai, Miss Hickling.


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