Thursday 24 September 2020

Wednesday 23 September 2020

CST challenge


For the past few weeks we have been learning about the CST principles. On our learning hub we had a set of questions and we had to answer as many as we could and put the answers on google slides. I guess our class all had different way to answer the questions. Next time I would change the pictures on the slides.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Rapping with my lord

A few weeks ago we were making a rap. We were learning about the three sacraments of initiation, and to help us we made a rap. We were put in groups of 3 or 2 and had to type a rap on a chromebook and then print it and miss hickling filmed us saying our rap then we put it on We-Video. I enjoyed singing the rap but We-Video is harder for me then some people because I just started using it. Next time I would change the background and maybe some sises of writing.

Monday 21 September 2020



Today our class was making a screencastify of us reciting our speech on screencastify. I found it hard to look at the words and the camera at the same time. I am enjoying posting it to my blog because it is a pleasure to share what I do at school to the world.

Information report poster

Monday 14 September 2020

Speech... Hmmm, I wonder what its about?

 Do video games affect the way we live?

So everyone knows that video games can be fun but do some effect our life? Well today your gonna find out so listen closely. Personally video games are one of the most fun things we use in our everyday lives but it doesn’t mean there good for our health, or our life.

First of all, video games mess with our learning especially when using chromebooks to help learn. There are so many games on line in fact there are 1.2 billion games in the world and more than 2 billion people are addicted to games. Doing stuff we didn’t mean to is another major thing that affects our life. Like rage quitting, bad things in the chat box and shouting out loud when we get excited or angry. Like my parents like me in my room playing video games because I get excited to easily on my server.

Continuing from that, since we like video games so much they waste time with family since we always have our noses in electronics. Like my Dad has a star trek game and he is on it virtually on it 24/7. Also some games make kids violent in ways. Here are some games. Fortnight, wrestling and some roblox games. Like fortnight is a gun game were the name of the game is to kill other players. Minecraft is a kinda violent game but that is only if you choose to kill other people.

Finally, Video games change the brain. This happened to me once. I used to play minecraft a lot, I used to have daydreams about it. Then one day I decided to stop. I asked my parents to put a timer on my nintendo switch for 1 hour on weekdays, 1 hour and a half on weekends and have 30 mins of youtube a day. I have seen the difference, and felt it.

In conclusion, I have explained how video games affect our life in 5 different ways. I love having the timer, I feel like my life has changed entirely. Now maybe go and get some less time on video games and more time outdoors and with family. Unlock who you really are.

Rhetorical question, Emotive language and Facts and opinion.

WALHT: use persuasive techniques (FEARRR) to enhance our writing

Success Criteria:

Self Assessment๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

I have used my first technique to enhance my writing


I have used my second technique to enhance my writing


I have used my third technique to enhance my writing


Use at least three different (FEARRR) persuasive techniques in your writing.


For the past week or so, I have been working on my speech. Our class was learning how to wright  a persuasive speech. We done a bit of a class one before working on a new one with whatever topic we wanted. I chose how video games affect our life because I used to be a video game freak, read my speech for more information. I loved finding facts but the tricky part was finding the right order for my different arguments.