Friday 13 March 2020

Term 1 Goals

This is my goals for this term. I know it is not so complex but it it still my goals for this term. I based them on things that I want to get better at. I meen to say is to do that's how life works. So I want to get better at all of these so I'm going to do it know matter what.

Friday 6 March 2020

Room two's favorite video games

WALHT: Understand the data we have collected

What had the most?
Minecraft got 8

What had the least?
Pacman got 0

What was the difference between the most and the least amount?

How many people did you collect data from?
17 people.

How might you use your data?

If you were selling the games in the chart you know how many games to sell.

Thursday 5 March 2020

Facts of Te Tiriti O Te Waitangi

Facts of Te Tiriti O Te Waitangi 

 1.the New Zealand wars went on for 27 years.

 2.Te Tiriti was broken in many different ways.

 3.Engalend wanted the Maori for their army.

 4.England took millions of Maoris land for visitors around the world.

 5.Over 500 chiefs signed Ti Tiriti in 7 months. 1769 captain cook came to New Zealand.

 7.In 1790 Pokeha came to hunt seals and whales.

 8.In 1975 Maori and the british put the past behind them.

 9.For over 500 years Maori had New Zealand to themselves.

 10.British wanted to live in New Zealand to start a new life.

Waste Free Wednesday

GO WASTE FREE WEDNESDAY! You can do this to no matter what school your in. All you have to do is have no non recycleibible object in your packed lunch box and you will be rewarded with a clean environment. LET'S DO IT!


This week is Sea Week at school and we were doing slides about an animal that we chose. I chose a whale because I think whales are cool. I enjoyed it because we got to be creative and do whatever we wanted on it. Next time I would change the font, add more detail and be more descriptive over all.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Kawa Of Care

This is my Kawa of care. Our class came up with the rules and you had to make your one. My pictures are based on the rules. It shows what you should do and what you shouldn't do with your chromebook. Now go and be sensible!

Night Vision Goggles

                     This week our class was learning about night vision goggles because it was a cool topic to learn about. I found it hard because you had to find the right shapes and mould them into the shape that you needed. I enjoyed it because you got to decide what special feachers it has. Next time I would change the size because it looks to small from this point of view